The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Dinosaurs scare you. They're doing the burp" - Ashleigh

xx75.jpgLike most events from 1975, there is very little information, photos, or memories of this, my fifth Christmas on Earth. There are a couple of spectacular shots taken in our living room of my Mom and me basking in the afterglow of the gift-opening ritual. Other than that, I have relied on Bill and Dottie for the few snapshots taken on Christmas Eve at Arline and Carl’s. The rest requires mostly speculation.


Carl tempts Bill with something from the bar, but Bill prefers chocolate


Harold and Joe oversee Robby and Lora as they open their gifts


I’m sure I had plenty to be upset about on Christmas Eve. Arline looks on as my parents have second thoughts about having children.

Following our morning as a family trio opening gifts, I have no doubt that we spent ithe rest of it with my Mom’s family at their house on Kruss in Kettering.


Don’t break the ice!


The broad landscape of our beautifully decorated living room


Giggling at Superfection


The loot


Is that all?

Up next: 1976…

6 Responses to “CHRISTMAS 5 – 1975”

  1. I used to have Superfection too. In fact, I wish I still did!


  2. I think you are right on the year, because, I believe that blouse that I had on was a maternity blouse and, since Denise was born in April, that makes perfect sense.


  3. It’s actually the ‘toybox’ memory that I question the year of. The photos are all definitely from Christmas 1975.


  4. I have Superfection! Wanna play?


  5. Unfortunately, I don’t even remember the toybox full of toys – so really can’t help you out on that one! Though it does sound like something I would do.


  6. Perfection! Awesome!


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