The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"After viewing the situation from all sides, Mr. Laurel says that he is thoroughly reconciled to the fact that the moving picture industry is still in its infancy." - Radio announcer, "Me and My Pal"

bonnieblue2.jpgShe lucked into eternal film fame when her sister, who was slated to play the part, became too old-looking by the time her scenes in Gone with the Wind were ready to be filmed. So Cammie King ended up with the role of a lifetime, that of Bonnie Blue Butler, beloved but doomed daughter of Rhett and Scarlett in the Academy Award winning film from 1939. Incidentally, she also played the young Faline in the Disney classic Bambi.

Now in her early 70’s (but not really looking it), she was a perfectly kind lady at the Hollywood Collectors Show when I met her in February, charging a moderate fee for a great signed shot of her with Clark Gable…and posing for a picture for free!


Autographs and celebs from Hollywood ’07 will continue…

One Response to “Bonnie Blue”

  1. I agree, Brad, she’s a very nice lady and doesn’t look to be in her early 70s at all. The same day you were there, she signed an LP of the “Bambi” stories (told by Shirley Temple) for me.

    Randy Skretvedt

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