The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Mother isn't quite herself today." - Norman Bates, "Psycho"

loism.jpgOkay, so if Noel Neill was the very first starring and most prodigious Lois Lane, and Phyllis Coates was the first Lois Lane of TV and the movies, which one is the most popular Lois Lane? Well, as a Gen X’er, I’d have to answer that question with a resounding Margot Kidder!! She of course played lovable but harsh smoker Lois in the four Superman movies of the late ’70’s and 80’s starring Christopher Reeve as the Man of Steel. She also went on to portray Bridgette Crosby in the most excellent Superman TV series Smallville.

It had been within the last couple of years that Margot Kidder began making some personal appearances and doing the autograph-signing circuit when I had my friend Bob pick me up the nice photo below for a cost in the neighborhood of $20. But it was an absolute shock while strolling through the Forum Shops at Caesars in Las Vegas on Saturday, October 8, 2005, to spot her sitting at a table in front of a sports memorabilia store selling autographed photos. Since I already had one, I opted for option B: to have my photo taken with her and receive a nice laser 8 x 10 of the shot (above) for just $10.


She was nice enough to chat briefly and allow that an additional photo be taken with my own camera as well (below, with slightly better smiles from both of us). And I was ecstatic to not only meet two Lois Lanes during my weeklong California (and Vegas) trip, but to meet THE Lois Lane that I had grown to know and love from my numerous viewings of the  films.


Return to Las Vegas 2005

One Response to “The Most Popular Lois Lane?”

  1. Margot Kidder was indeed a great Lois Lane. But my favorite role of hers is from an obscure TV series called, “Nicols” which she starred in with James Garner. I’ve seen a few episodes, and enjoyed it very much. I’d be thrilled if it were to someday come out on DVD…


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