The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Yay Eli, you're a tree sloth." - Julie Burton, "It's Your Move"

den5.jpgWell, after Denise was born on April 8, 1976, it was pretty much downhill from there. No, just kidding…but it is true that she had her share of problems. She had a problem with keeping her milk down while still in the nursery, and by the time she had reached the age of six weeks, she had another severe problem: an infection known as thrush. This horrendous illness covered the insides of her mouth with sores so it caused trememdous pain whenever she ate. She had been on solid foods already when she was stricken with this, but had to return to milk. Everytime she was fed, it would induce howls of pain…from all of us, I’m sure.


Denise at her youngest

This was soon overcome when she was put on medicine and she returned to being a normal, functioning baby soon enough. Her only issue was one that I had shared as a baby – not knowing day from night and sleeping at the wrong times. Mom wasn’t quite as frantic by the time she was dealing with her second baby. Whereas I had to be on a strict schedule for eating and sleeping, Mom was much more laid back with Denise. Visitors were free to chat amongst themselves even while in the room with a sleeping Denise.


In her saddle shoes, flanked by a photo of me (proving I was still loved), Denise looks left…


…and right, determining that yes, she is safe in our family room

I think I was pretty happy with my sister for the most part, although I’m sure I became a bit jealous when all of the attention was shifted away from me. As a young man of four, I tried to do my part to help out with Denise, by holding her, feeding her, and watching after her…at least for a while. One day while my Mom was putting away laundry, she asked me to keep an eye on Denise while she ran some towels to the bathroom. Denise was in her punkin seat on top of the table and I was drawing or coloring on the floor.

Mom wasn’t gone for ten seconds before she heard the howls of a baby screeching and me calling for her: “Mom, Denise fell on the floor!!” She hightailed it back into the kitchen and asked me why I didn’t watch her. I responded though tears, “I did – she just fell.” Needless to say, it would be a while before I was asked to be the primary caregive for Denise even if it was only for ten seconds. Of course, the urban legend spread through the family, and I have heard on occasion the story that I threw her on the floor.

Still, as everyone else did, I really enjoyed the opportunity to hold my little baby sister. Here are some great photos of Denise in the arms of various family members on various occasions during her first few months of life.


Mom holds and feeds Denise


 Dad takes his turn


 I hold my beloved sister – with the assistance of my beloved pillow


 I eventually get tired, slink down, and lay next to her 


 Denise appears to have some reservations about letting Grandma Range hold her


But she eventually warms up


Easter at Bev and Ed’s on April 18, 1977

1976 will continue

2 Responses to “Everybody Holds Denise”

  1. Awesome pictures. I don’t know if I’ve seen many of Grandma Range before, so that was cool, too.


  2. Yikes!!! I was an odd-looking baby!

    The picture of you lying next to me is really cute, though. I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen it before.


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