The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"I had a much nicer voice until I ran a nail through it." - Stan Laurel, "The Bohemian Girl"

hal.jpgWhile certainly not the biggest celebrity I’ve ever met, I always did enjoy the performance and good-natured sarcasm of Hal Sparks when he hosted E!’s Talk Soup following the departure of Greg Kinnear when he went on to bigger and better things. I was able to greet Mr. Sparks without incident following his appearance on stage during the reading of Casablanca for the Actors Fund on October 2, 2005 at the Pantages Theater.

He beamed his boyish, impish smile and posed for a nice picture with me in addition to signing my Casablanca program which can be seen here.

The celebs of Casablanca will continue

One Response to “Hal Sparks 2005”

  1. I was a big fan of Queer As Folk.


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