The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son" - Dean Wermer, "Animal House"

mom9.jpgToday is my Mom’s 58th birthday. Goodness, that seems like a high number – but she pulls it off with her young-at-heart attitude. To celebrate, I thought I would share some uncommon, unrelated, and mostly random photos of my Mom from the 1960’s as she passed from little girl, through her teen years, and into adulthood. There isn’t typically ample opportunity to group photos from this time period into much of a cohesive-themed posting – since there are so few of them in existence. But here’s a batch of cool, nostalgic photos in both glorious black and white and brlliant Technicolor. Enjoy.


 The Murphy kids in front of their ’57 Chevy in 1961


 Mom at Bryce Canyon during the Summer of ’61


Grandpa, Grandma, Mom, Bev, and Jim (in the funny hat) overlook the Grand Canyon


 Bev and Mom, two nice Catholic girls


 Darlene and Mom welcome their new niece Cathy in early 1967


 Grandma, Bev, and Mom hang out in Seista Key in 1968


 The Murphy kids all grown up (almost)


Mom and one of her boy toys as the decade comes to a close

Happy Birthday Mom! I love you…see you at the Golden Dragon.

5 Responses to “Mom in the Sixties”

  1. Man, does Bev look like Karen in these pictures, and Jim like Eric. Who is that boy toy? I thought it was Ed McGarahan, which would explain a lot!


  2. Yes that is Ed McGarahan, who was my boyfriend for almost 4 years. I didn’t understand Darlene’s sentence of “I thought it was Ed McGarahan, which would explain a lot!” What does that explain????

    Chris thinks in the picture of me and Barb in our white shirts, that I look more like Susan. (I think we might have been going to the Dominican Retreat house to serve lunch to the ladies on the retreat.)

    I think I look like Karen in the swim suit picture and in the picture with the flip hair style, I think I have Karen’s smile.


  3. Wow, sounds like you are trying to get me in trouble. That is Ed McGarahan, Bev’s boyfriend, and I have no idea why I have my arms around him – we must have just been goofing around for the camera. What does this explain? I’m not sure of that comment either, but I do look pretty good in that picture!


  4. I am hereby officially retracting my statement “that explains a lot”. It doesn’t explain anything, it was just a comment meant to be funny!


  5. Okay, good thing. I thought you were trying to say that I strongly resembled Ed McGuggenheim.


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