The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Do you enjoy throwing up every five minutes, Claude?" -Aunt Edna, "National Lampoon's Vacation"

db1.jpgJust two days after Easter 1980, Denise celebrated her fourth birthday on April 8. While I don’t pretend to remember the specifics of this event, I found two photos of her with her cake. The celebration here was taking place in our dining room. Visible in the photo below is something even more interesting than the cake: the world’s tackiest napkin holder sitting on top of the de-humidifier in our dining room.


Below are two seemingly-random shots of my cousin Karen. However, I have every reason to believe that these were taken on the same day as Denise’s birthday celebration. The fact that she is wearing different outfits indicates to me that she probably soiled one outfit and had to change into another. She still does this occasionally. (Hey, I’m kidding!) This would have been close to Karen’s first birthday, which would occur on April 21. And finally, a cute shot of Denise nestled under Charcoal and a blanket on the floor. Again, this shot possibly taken on the same day (note the balloon). As usual, some of the items in the background are even more interesting than the focal point of the picture.







 The early 1980’s will continue…

2 Responses to “April 1980 Birthdays – Denise and Karen”

  1. Better make sure Debby doesn’t read this – she might be a little miffed at being left out. After all, the 21st was her birthday first!


  2. Unfortunately, she didn’t have the good sense to get into a photo…so she’ll just have to wait!


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