The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"These pretzels are making me thirsty." - Jerry, George, Kramer, & Elaine, "Seinfeld"

eas.jpgThe only thing I remember about early 1977 was that it was cold. Actually I don’t even remember that. But considering that this particular year began in January, it’s a pretty safe bet. In truth, I’m sure I have many memories stored away from the first part of the year, it’s just that I certainly can’t truthfully assign any of them to this period because I have no idea when they actually occurred. All I know for absolute certainty is that I learned to tie my shoes in January… and on an unrelated note, my Mom set the pup tent that I got for Christmas up in my room and there it stayed for a good while. This was where my friend Andrea and I first began playing doctor and it went on from there…

I also remember certain odd things about her and other friends and family: stealing an apple from the Ferrenberg refrigerator with Rachel Venaas, Andrea and I wrapping up our toys with paper and giving them to each other as gifts as a way of continuing the Christmas spirit indefinitely, Dad bringing home pads of paper from work on which I would draw non-stop, my desire to get ‘envelopes’ from church (meant for tithing of course) simply because I liked envelopes, throwing a tantrum in the bathtub because a clip from Gilligan’s Island came on during a TV special and I was missing it, peeing in that same bathtub just for fun (and not while I was taking a bath), going to Bible school with Andrea and learning the song “Father Abraham had several sons…,” Mom subscribing to Highlights magazine for me, our cat Charcoal becoming deathly ill and having to be fed through a tube, Mom and her sisters working out aerobic-style to the tunes of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, my uncle Bill calling and scaring one of my babysitters because he wanted to know who she was but didn’t tell her who he was (I had to step in and diffuse the situation), Andrea hiding in a tall tree and calling out “Ancient Chinese secret huh!?!”, and continuing to go to pre-school at Hope Nursery School. All of these most certainly happened, but I’m not sure exactly what part of the year (or if they were all even within the year).


Playing at the Ferrenbergs in early 1977 – with Andrea and (barely visible) her brother Jimmy. As you can see, I know how to pick ’em.

The first event of the year that I can document with any certainty was that Easter came relatively early in 1977, falling on March 28. As indicated by photos we spent the afternoon with my Mom’s family at Grandma and Grandpa’s house on Kruss. Most certainly we went to church at the Beavercreek Church of the Brethren as well.


Not exactly my Sunday best but I must have made a good case for it


 Denise hobbles out of our new 1977 Pontiac Grand Prix


Dad, Denise, and the garbage cans on Grandma and Grandpa’s porch


Mom had to nearly strangle me to get me to behave for this Easter family photograph

1977 will continue with Denise’s first birthday

3 Responses to “Easter – And Other Scant Memories of Early 1977”

  1. My Mom subscribed me to Highlights magazine as well. Also to Children’s Digest, which I think I preferred.


  2. Brad, you already posted this one before. You’ll have to do two today to make up for it. (Actually I know you are very busy this weekend so we’ll let it slide this time.)


  3. You have an astute eye Bev, but you are only partially correct. The photos are all new but the bulk of the text from the “Denise’s First Birthday” posting was pulled into this posting because I realized that Easter actually occurred BEFORE her birthday.

    It is just my meticulous and compulsive effort to keep everything chronologically accurate. I know…insane.


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