The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"You can trust me insipidly." - Oliver Hardy, "Our Relations"

cum11.jpgI have no real memory of my family’s trip to the Cumberland region of Kentucky – but if I did, this is what I would remember: throwing rocks into the water (as seen at right). Because that’s basically all anyone else seems to remember about this trip! My Dad had just started at Miami Litho at the time, so he had amassed absolutely no vacation…so therefore this trip was merely a long weekender sometime in July of 1973. It’s kind of funny how I think of such a minscule trip as legendary, having for years seen photos and home movies taken during our ‘Cumberland trip’ – but really having no memory of it.

We actually visited three places during the course of the getaway: Cumberland Falls and Lake Cumberland in southern Kentucky and Cumberland Gap in northern Tennessee. It was during our stop at the Falls that Dad can recall that I really threw myself into the hobby of throwing rocks into the water. My parents remember it best here on this trip, but I continued the habit for the next few years – before graduating into lobbing skippers as a big kid. Also you will note in the posting found here that I had actually already begun the dirty sper-lunking habit even before this trip.


 The majestic view of our AMC Hornet in the hills of Kentucky


 Our view of Wolf Creek Dam at Lake Cumberland


 Mom and me heading back to our car, holding onto the dam railing. Catsafterme trivia buffs note that our license plate number was 9058 NM


 Dad and I overlook the lake


 Majestic view of the lake and mountains


 Taking a break at the welcome center 


 Cumberland Falls


 Cumberland River. Hmmm, maybe there’s rocks in these parts…


 Yep, I found some rocks


 Dad explains to Son the finer points of rock throwing


Mom and me possibly at Cumberland Gap (not the local trendy clothing store)

I was a few months away from turning two years old at the time of this little Summer vacation, so it was also a natural that I would end up riding a pony at some point during the early days of my youth. This trip apparently saw the opportune time to do it… TWICE! The nice color Ektachrome slides that my Dad took make it look as if I was quite regal upon the dainty steed on day two of the trip. However, the matching Super 8 film reveals another side to the story. In the home movie, Dad accompanied me on day one of the trip for approximately eight pony clops before I was ready to get off.

The film also shows me throwing those blasted rocks, and a quick pan of Cumberland Falls – but most importantly reveals the sequence of events of the trip: Day 1) The visit to Lake Cumberland and a pony ride (not pictured), Day 2) Another pony ride (seen below), the river, and possibly Cumberland Gap, and Day 3) The visit to Cumberland Falls. If there was in fact a third pony ride, my parents were sick of taking pictures of it, moving or otherwise.


 “I shall do my best to maneuver this ox”


 Whoa Nelly!


Mom comes to rescue #2

I’m sure it was a fun getaway for my parents and their blonde baby boy as we packed into our little AMC Hornet and got out for a short time to see some serene and beautiful parts of the country. Things would be getting rather hectic soon, as we finally moved out of the house on John Glenn that my parents were renting and took the leap of buying our own place.


 Case in point about the ‘legendary’ status: this photo hung on the walls of both of our houses for my entire life – a constant reminder of our famous ‘Cumberland trip’


I’ve saved the best for last. Why, oh why, didn’t I think to stick my face in this cannon?

1973 will continue…

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