The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Mom said I had sedunctive hearing. Can you die from that?" - Briana Pond

tinyc2.jpgBefore you click the “Read the rest of this entry>>” button, please go back and look over the posting found here, which describes our kitten Tiny’s ascent to the top of the cupboards. Yes, that was cute and all, but take a look at what I found when I came home from a shopping trip on Saturday afternoon and try and explain this…


Before you ask, I have no idea how she got here. Theories are welcome. But I’ll be watching in the days ahead…

One Response to “The Tiny Mystery”

  1. Cats are very good jumpers, so I’d guess she just simply jumped with all her strength and made it to the top (maybe she stumbled a few times trying, but nevertheless, she made it!). One other theory – maybe she clawed her way up the curtain on the window and then thrust herself onto the top of the cupboard.


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