The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Hand me that red thing down there." - Crosley Bettering, "Time & Temperature"


uncleal2.jpgI was permitted to skip school one day in May 1980 so that I could attend the taping of “The Uncle Al Show” one weekday morning with my Mom and Bev. I sat in the audience while Denise, Susie (otherwise known as Susan), Chris, and our next-door neighbor Emily Neely got to participate in the show. It was fun to revisit the set as an expert witness after I had been on the show in 1976.

After the taping of the show, the kids all received these delicious candy ice-cream cones. This was not actual ice cream, but a concoction made of whoofed air and sugar. uncleal3.jpgI remembered getting these when I was on the show, so I lined up to make sure I got one this time too. Uncle Al and Captain Windy came out after the show to pose for additional pictures. I didn’t get my photo taken, but I did ask them for autographs. I’m not sure what my motivation was here because I had not really started collecting autographs yet – but I suspect that seeing our Sons of the Desert Tent’s Grand Sheik’s autograph collection must have put this bee in my bonnet. I would later go full force and purchase an autograph album to take with me when we went to Hollywood later this Summer. We somehow missed getting photos with Uncle Al, but the kids got a couple with Captain Windy.


It was a purposeful autograph request and I asked them each to sign their real name on a piece of paper. Uncle Al signed Al Lewis and Captain Windy told me that her real name was Wanda Lewis and signed it thusly. I lost them not long after.

Later on you could buy a ‘cast shot’ of the day’s Uncle Al crew and then it would arrive by mail at some point later. Here’s Denise’s – see if you can find our peeps.


Read more info about the episode (including how I got into the act) by clicking here.

9 Responses to “Denise on “The Uncle Al Show” – Pt. 1”

  1. Wasn’t her name “Captain Windy”?


  2. Yeah, I guess you’re right. I couldn’t spell back then. I changed the spelling from “Wendy” to “Windy” in the post.

    From the Uncle Al website:

    (In 1949) One show (of “The Paul Dixon Show” on WCPO) has a space city theme, for which Wanda dons a cape and short skirt and the name Captain Windy. Dixon had Jokingly called Wanda “The Windy One” because she was so quiet, and the name stuck.


  3. I, of course, still have the ‘cast’ photo (somewhere…)

    Funny, when watching the video of the show, I didn’t think there was any point where Chris actually smiled. I am surprised that there is evidence that he may have enjoyed himself (at least for a moment).

    Question: why am I (the oldest of the four of us) sitting on Windy’s lap?


  4. I don’t know, but you sure look like Charley.


  5. I don’t really see it – but I appreciate the sentiment.



  6. I can see the similarity too. As to my lack of smile: just look at my pants! How could I smile with pants like that?

    Chris Tangeman

  7. Oh, I don’t know. I’d rather be photographed in those pants than the pink tights and a name tag reading ‘Susie’.


  8. That day was great! We all had a lot of fun. Susan, Charley definately looks like you. I see it everyday. You always liked to wear dresses at that age and you were the prettiest dark haired girl there and Denise was the prettiest little blonde girl. (Carrie Stevie was a close second.) Chris you were very stylish in those pants. You were a bit shy when you were little, and even though you didn’t dance much or smile much (like the girls did) you were happy to be there. Brad I believe we asked you to get in the group picture, but you didn’t want to. I think you thought you were too mature. Anyway, thanks for the remembrance of this day.


  9. I look like such a little lady in those pictures; I know that wasn’t normal! I’m glad to see that I could fake it when it counted.

    I think Chris is smiling in the picture because he’s being cuddled by Captain Windy. Perhaps he had a “thing” for her??


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