The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Women - can't live with 'em, pass the beer nuts." - Norm Peterson, "Cheers"

jean.jpgMy first association with Our Gang member Jean Darling came in late 1985 when I sent for a package of photos that she was selling at the time. I’ll talk more about that in a future posting, but lets just say that the package of photos was a steal for the fans (one of the photos is pictured at left). Since that time, I had corresponded with her on several occasions. Living in Dublin, Ireland, she rarely made trips into the states – but often appeared at Laurel and Hardy gatherings in Europe.

In 2002, Jean finally was invited to a domestic convention and this was my first opportunity to meet her. She immediately knew who I was when she saw my nametag – and made several efforts to spend time with me at that convention. She was also invited and came to the 2004 convention. The 2006 Georgia convention was her third convention appearance and the photos below are ones from that event.


Jean with fellow special guest Payne Johnson.


Ashleigh, Jean, and me.

The convention will continue…

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