The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Whoops! I just took the square root of it." - Harely Estin, "Newhart"

polt2Oliver Robins had only a brief film career, but did manage to star in one of the most popular and influential horror films of the 1980’s. In the scare-a-thon flick Poltergeist, Oliver held the role of Robbie Freling, older brother to Carol Ann (Heather O’Rourke) and younger brother of Dana (Dominique Dunne). Ironically, he is the only child actor from the film who survives today, having managed (so far) to escape the Poltergeist curse that supposedly took the lives of O’Rourke and Dunne.

Robins might also be spotted in Airplane II: The Sequel as the kid who has yet another insane conversation with the airplane pilot Peter Graves. His film career pretty much ended right there, if not for a reprisal of his original role in Poltergeist II: The Other SideĀ some four years laterĀ – which turned out to be his last starring film appearance.

Today he works more behind the camera as a writer and director, but on April 18, 2009, he was working as a former child star signing autographs to adoring fans like me at the Chiller Theatre Show in Parsippany, New Jersey. He was a nice enough little guy who you would never recognize in the grocery store. For $20, I picked up the cool signed photo at the top of the posting and he was nice enough to pose for a photo with me.


Celebrities of the Chiller Theatre will continue

3 Responses to “Poltergeist Kid”

  1. Forget Oliver Robins! Who’s the good-lookin’ guy in orange, hovering over your left shoulder?
    Just kidding. We should not forget Oliver Robins.

    Can I ask you a question?
    What is it?
    It’s an interrogative statement, used to test knowledge. But that’s not important now, mister.


  2. I think that the guy over my shoulder is a manifestation of the Poltergeist curse. His scythe is just out of camera range.


  3. That is one creepy ass publicity photo.


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