The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Hey, I have an idea. Let's not let the box of rats ruin our lives." - Mike, "Friends"

hat4.jpgOur Spring Myrtle Beach trip commenced on March 17, 2007 at about 9:30 am. As this was Adam’s first long trip away from home, we decided to make the trek in two days, traveling at a leisurely pace, stopping when we needed to, and then spending the night in Spartanburg, South Carolina. The ride down was mostly uneventful, with my trusty iPod providing our tunes and Wendy’s providing our lunch.

hat5.jpgIn our car were Mom, Denise, Ashleigh, Adam, and me. Since we had taken turns goofily taking pictures of ourselves in Grandpa Murphy’s hat during our last trip to Myrtle Beach, I decided that it might be fun to revisit this fond memory. Oddly, though, Grandpa didn’t even make this trip…but since my Mom’s minivan was out of commission, his car did. And his hat was left in the car. We took turns trying on the hat and posing for this eclectic group of poses. Ashleigh was a bad sport about it, hence the pickle puss.



hat2.jpgWe arrived in Spartanburg at the Quality Inn at about 5:00 pm or so, meeting up with our co-travelers Bev, Karen, Andrew, and Abby. We had plenty of time to play some games, watch some TV shows on DVD (“I Dream of Jeannie”), and go out for a nice dinner at Fatz. I had a delicious Cobb salad (even the bleu cheese was palatable) and a nice glass of pinot grigio really hit the spot.

Bev noted that I was the only one to wear green on this St. Patty’s Day extravaganza, as I was adorned in my highly prized Sesame Street shirt. I didn’t sleep very well, waking up intermittently to spit.


Spartanburg Adam


Crazy Hair Abby


Wolf in sheep’s clothing


Dinner at Fatz – as proven by the ketchup

To be continued…

Bypass the trip and continue with 2007

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