The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Dad prefers a number two pencil, while I prefer a two and a half." - Bill Williams Jr., "It's Your Move"

There’s a certain fascination that comes along with meeting a horror film star, particularly if said person is a mad killer or a personification of evil on screen. Even if you, as I, have never seen a single entry in the Hellraiser series – which now boasts nine entries in the series, some of the latter of which were direct-to-video releases – surely the image of this white-headed man with pins sticking out of his skull is familiar, and horrifying, to you.

Doug Bradley is the man behind the pins. In fact, he is one of only five actors who have played the same horror film character at least six consecutive times. He’s done other work, too, mostly in the horror realm. I’ve never heard of any of it.

I met Doug Bradley when I swung by the Flashback Weekend Horror Convention in Chicago on Sunday, August 14, 2011. He’s actually a rather short, unassuming, British fellow, and even with pictures all over his table of him as Pinhead didn’t frighten me. Not overly friendly, but still he impressed me by only charging the minimal $20 fee for a signed photo and he threw in the photo op for free. It was definitely a worthwhile and interesting encounter.

Celebrities of the 2011 Flashback Weekend Horror Convention will continue

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