The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"You can trust me insipidly." - Oliver Hardy, "Our Relations"

leia.jpgWhat can you say about meeting a cast member of the original Star Wars? On Sunday, October 2, 2005, Bob and I returned to the Hollywood Collectors Show for one sole reason: this was the only day that Carrie Fisher would be appearing. Bob opted not to purchase one of her signed photos for the low, low price of just $30.00, so I waited in line with my friend Steve Cox. Steve brought his own blue gelatin pen – perfect for signing dark photos.

Ms. Fisher was not posing for pictures so to speak, but Bob and I each planned to lean down and get in a shot with her. Steve was more interested in whether she would add the inscription “Princess Leia” to her signature. She answered that question for him – a resounding NO. But she would add a simple PLO – meaning Pricess Leia Organa. I was happy enough with the standard autograph.


My lean-down photo didn’t come out too well, but fortunately Carrie Fisher smokes…which means that every ten minutes or so, she would get up and take a cigarette break, leaving her signing table and her scads of fans behind to go out and puff down a nicotine demon. So I strategically slipped out of line and waited for her to come back in the building…then waited for her to use the restroom…and then chat with some other fans. Then I pounced on her and asked her to pose for a photo. She obliged – but unfortunately, my camera was set on the ‘red-eye reduction’ mode. So both she and I simultaneously dropped our poses after the first flash went off. I was worried that it wouldn’t come out at all, but I ended up with an interesting result. It looks as if she and I were in deep conversation about her former life on Alderaan. Pretty cool stuff.


Return to Sunday in Hollywood

This concludes the celebrities from the 2005 HCS. Click here to return to the show…

Click here to continue with more celebrites from this trip… 

5 Responses to “Princess Leia”

  1. It’s a real shame that Governor Tarkin decided to test out the Death Star’s destructive power on PLO’s home planet of Alderaan. What with it being a peaceful planet with no weapons and all.
    Dantooine got lucky. That’s all I’m saying.

    Chris Tangeman

  2. Dantooine was too remote to make an effective demonstration of the Death Star’s power. Naboo would have been a cool target. That way Darth could have wiped out all his in-laws.


  3. All I wanna know is…what can you get a Wookie for Christmas (when he already owns a comb)?


  4. Yes Aaron, Dantooine was too remote. But, come on, Naboo? That is even farther away. Study your maps man! I’ve found Alderaan, Bespin, Coruscant, Dagobah, Dantooine, Endor, Hoth, Naboo, and Tatooine on the map of the galaxy (, along with many other places mentioned. But I can’t find Yavin or its moon Yavin 4 (the first Rebel Base) anywhere. It’s supposed to be in the Outer Rim somewhere.
    It’s ridiculous how long I just spent searching online to find a response to these postings. I’m pathetic.
    Anyways Brad, did you try giving Wookies shampoo for Christmas? Or maybe a hair dryer. Or sometimes a gift card to Home Depot is nice.

    Chris Tangeman

  5. Now that was funny, Chris!


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