The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Yay Eli, you're a tree sloth." - Julie Burton, "It's Your Move"

mc6Make no mistake: I love conversation pieces. Those interesting photos that might come about intentional or they might come about by happenstance. Like that famous one of Elvis and Richard Nixon, which was intentional to be sure. Or there’s that famous one of me, Jeff Conaway, and Loni Anderson that came about by happenstance…and my willingness to butt in. The one I’m going to show you here is a little of both. 


I don’t need to go into the credentials of Kristy McNichol nor her brother Jimmy McNichol, because I already discussed Kristy here and Jimmy here. I had already met them in 2007 and earlier in 2013, respectively, so I really didn’t need anything more from them. Admittedly it was nice to finally see them together at a show when they appeared at the Hollywood Collector Show in Chicago on September 7, 2013.


Like I said, I really didn’t need any more autographs or photos with them, but when I saw their pretty swell deal of offering a signed dual photo and a photo op with both of them together for $30, I naturally couldn’t resist. So I plunked down my money, picked up the signed photo, and posed for a picture with both siblings. Then they were even kind enough to pose for a picture with Carolyn. Despite the fact that Kristy was now only signing her first name, it was well worth it.


But wait…there’s more. It just so happen that former pop singer sensation Debbie Gibson was at the table right near them. I had already met Debbie earlier in the year as well and again, had no intentions of bothering her again. But as it happens, she bothered me. Well not really… but as I was finishing up my transaction with the McNichols, she came over to get her own photo with the siblings.


Of course my brain started churning like a gerbil in a Ferris Wheel, and the second they finished Debbie’s photo op, I went for one of my own. I’m not sure if Kristy didn’t want any part of it, or whether she didn’t realize I wanted her in the photo, but she wandered back to her table as I asked for and set up a photo of me with Jimmy McNichol and Debbie Gibson.


Random, to be sure, but somehow it works. 70’s and 80’s pop stars – mild icons, even – meeting together with one of the most versed pop culture geeks in the galaxy. And then they were nice to do it again for Carolyn. Debbie wandered back to her table, Jimmy wandered back to his, and Carolyn and I wandered out the door. It had been our last encounter of the day, and by gum, it was quite a pleasing one.

This concludes the celebrity encounters of the Fall 2013 Hollywood Show in Chicago. Return to the original posting here

One Response to “Just Can’t Shake the McNichols’ Love”

  1. Super fans of them when I was a kid. Loved reading this!


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