The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Mother isn't quite herself today." - Norman Bates, "Psycho"

ddr6My cousin Chris and I watched the move The Boondock Saints around Christmas of 2009, but it didn’t stick with me enough to ever be too thrilled about the celebrity shows that had reunions of the film, usually including Norman Reedus, Sean Patrick Flannery, and David Della Rocco. I did pick up Flannery at one such show because of some his other works, bypassing the other two. Reedus naturally took off toward the stratosphere of popularity once The Walking Dead took off, but David Della Rocco usually didn’t command much in the way of lines… or money. 

I later found out that was mostly likely because he really didn’t do much of anything as far as feature films were concerned outside of The Boondock Saints, and an appearance in the sequel The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day. This kind of surprised me because as I recall, he kind of stole the scenes in which he appeared as the ‘funny man’. But then again I found out that the character David Della Rocco, played by David Della Rocco, was a part specifically tailored to him by Troy Duffy, the writer and director of the film.


I won’t pontificate on why he hasn’t been in more, but I guess I know how he got the role to begin with. In any case, I finally broke down and decided to pick up a signed picture when he appeared at the HorrorHound in Cincinnati on Sunday, March 23, 2014, mostly because Carolyn was a bigger fan of The Boondock Saints than I was and she was excited to meet him. I don’t regret it, as he was a very friendly guy and only charged $20, and posed for pictures with each of us.



However the more interesting story is that we saw him again just five days later when he also appeared at the Wizard World Comic Con in Louisville, Kentucky where we were there on Friday, March 28.


I still had our original pictures fresh on my digital camera and one of them happened to be a photo of him and Carolyn flicking off the camera (reminiscent of his character in the film). When he posed for it, he expressed concerned that Carolyn was younger than she was and that her parents might get angry. I dared Carolyn to take the picture over to him and tell him that she had gotten grounded because of the photo. So she did. He looked a little concerned at first until he realized she was joking… and then he posed for yet another picture with us.


He’s a pretty cool guy and in fact, I would like to see him get some more film roles.

This concludes the celebrity encounters from the 2014 Cincinnati HorrorHound. Return to the original posting here… 

Celebrity encounters from the 2014 Louisville Wizard World will continue

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