The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"I also need some money for a treat, said the blonde." - Christi Adkins

mm3Mark Metcalf has the distinction in starring in three completely different roles in film and TV (and even music video) that I have enjoyed over the years. For starters, he played the obnoxious ROTC cadet officer Douglas C. Neidermeyer in National Lampoon’s Animal House, one of my favorite childhood movies – edited for TV version of course – of the late 70’s and early 80’s.

Metcalf reprised his role, even if not necessarily in name, when he starred in two consecutive Twisted Sister videos in 1984. In the videos for We’re Not Gonna Take It and I Wanna Rock, Metcalf used several of his Animal House catchphrases such as “You’re all worthless and weak!”

I had no idea what had become of Mark Metcalf during the intervening years, but suddenly he was making two appearances in my current favorite sitcom Seinfeld in 1995 and 96. This time he was the more subdued (and yet still obnoxious) Bob Cobb, better known to his friends (much to Elaine’s chagrin) as the Maestro.

And finally, Metcalf portrayed the essential and integral role of the vampire known as The Master in the first season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer in 1997 (reprising the role twice later on in the series).


Since Mark Metcalf had always portrayed a villain, I was wondering just how nice he would be when I got the chance to meet him at the Hollywood Collectors Show in Chicago on March 21, 2009. My concerns were quickly assuaged. He was certainly one of the nice ones.


I know that the trend is to charge $20 for signed photos these days, so I generally limit myself to one photo. But since Mark Metcalf had starred in several films I enjoyed, I immediately saw two photos that I wanted. I made him the quick offer of two for $30 and he accepted. So I ended up with both an Animal House shot and a Buffy photo, each to which he added both his signature and character name.

And not only was he willing to pose for photos with both Heidi and me for free, he even played along when I asked him to ‘yell’ at me for a great photo op. He quietly spoke the words “you’re worthless and weak!” not wanting to attract too much attention. Even after meeting the Brady kids, this was still one of the high points of the afternoon!


Celebrities of the Chicago collectors show will continue

3 Responses to “The Master, The Maestro, and Douglas C. Neidermeyer”

  1. METCALF! I love it! Well done, my friend! …but, WHAT KIND OF MAN HITS A DEFENSELESS ANIMAL?? For the true Neidermeyer experience he should’ve made you clean out his stable, I mean …booth. Were Sydney Mohammed and Jugless/dish in line behind you? I could go on.

    Eric Hubble

  2. My wife and I had dinner at Mark and his ex-wife’s restaurant Libby Montana’s in Mequon,Wisconsin about seven years ago, and something went wrong with our food order, and being a table of eight hungry slightly drunk people, things could have not been better, as Mark came to our table, sat down, talked about movies, popped for our drinks and made our experience there a wonderful event. Thanks Mark, your aces.


  3. Funny So did you drop and give him twen-tee? The ROTC exchange was the best part of AH: “So tell me, Mister . . what fraternity would pledge a “man” like you?


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