The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Women - can't live with 'em, pass the beer nuts." - Norm Peterson, "Cheers"

ua9.jpgIn a previous posting, I shared with you some great photos from the day that Denise, Susan, and Chris were on “The Uncle Al Show” in 1980. This posting is intended to share not only some images from the show itself, but explain why looking at “The Uncle Al Show” opens a floodgate of memories for me. Since we were nearly the first family in the galaxy to own a VCR (we got it in 1979), I have a unique opportunity that most do not: to actually watch this episode of “Uncle Al.”

ua8.jpgWhen I was a little kid in the mid-1970’s, I would watch this show daily. In fact, in 1976 I was actually on the show – but I scarcely remember that at all. The fact that the show had run since 1950 and was a show that my Dad actually watched as a kid was irrelevent to me at the time. Since the show changed very little from the time I watched it to the time that Denise was on it, that means that watching her episode is like re-visiting a show of my childhood – one that can rarely be seen today.

ua5.jpgFor instance, it doesn’t take much prompting for me to remember (and sing) the song that Denise is singing along to in the pictures: “It’s a happy day, a happy day, let’s make this a happy day – we’ll sing and dance, and clap our hands, and travel off to distant lands – 123, ABC, turn around and follow me – 123 ABC, come and share your day…with…me.”

uab.jpgI also remember the patriotic America song that was sung daily: “There’s something about America, that makes me shout with joy – It’s a land of opportuniy for every girl and boy – There’s something about America that’s wonderful to see – And do you know what that something is? We are…really… free!”

One of my favorite daily bits that the show featured was the misadventures of Toby, the little man dressed in green who lived in a tree (seen above). Day after day, Uncle Al would visit him and he would always find a way to frustrate the exasperated Uncle Al.

One more thing that brings back a lot of memories are the unique and memorable commericals from the show’s sponsers. Always cheaply made, they usually featured kids from the show. For instance Barq’s soft drinks would sponser a daily commercial. My favorite of these was the one for Choc-ola. “Hellooo, Choc-ola, Choc-ola – COW POWER!”


There was also a nationally syndicated commercial that often aired, which we caught on this recording, too. Who remembers the “Be Yourself” commerical from the Department of Health, Education and Welfare? The only thing that counts in a cat kingdom is being a cat…


As for this particular episode… We all joke about the constant deadpan expression on my cousin Chris’ face for the bulk of the broadcast – and you can see from these screen captures that we are not exaggerating.



Even the egg looked happier to be there. Susie (as Uncle Al called her), on the other hand, looked scared to death when Uncle Al grabbed her and gyrated her along with him as he sang “Alakazam one, Alakazam two, Alakazam three and Poof!.”


I was anxious to get on screen, but felt I was much too old to actually appear on the show (unlike that lanky goofball Ryan in the background dressed in red and white). Bev says that I even thought I was too old and mature to get my photo taken with Uncle Al and Captain Windy. But I sure wasn’t too old to go home and brag to my friends that I had appeared on television – carefully specifying that it was in the audience of “The Uncle Al Show.”


…And yes, I was intentionally making a ‘Stan Laurel’ face…

P.S. For Ashleigh..”Summer Doll…”


More on 1980 later…

4 Responses to “Denise on “The Uncle Al Show” – Pt. 2”

  1. Well, I was a serious young man. I had a lot on my mind. At least I wasn’t crying like the kid with Windy. And who knows what was going on with that handsome devil next to us in that picture.

    Chris Tangeman

  2. “Susie, on the other hand, looked scared to death when Uncle Al grabbed her and gyrated her along with him as he sang…”

    Umm… can you blame me for looking a little frightened? I mean, the accordian might be a great way to impress the ladies, but the man was a little old for me. And let’s not forget the whole “Susie” issue!


  3. I am the mailman that works for Uncle Sam ,I bring you letters as fast as I can…How will I know when you got one to send? Put up your flag and I`ll take it to your friend…..My Dad and granfather use to run a Drive-in in Milford Ohio. Uncle Al and Captain Wendy did a live show at intermission on the lawn in front of the screen…..I was on the show because of my connections…That was about 1963 or 1964. My favorite thing about his show – well two things – when he took off in his plane and the creature from space that ate the garbage….I would sure love a copy of a show…..Oh yes Our good friends are Pat and Joe they save your Mommies dough…And of coarse.Mamma`s cookies ..Oh I could go on…

    Mike Marshall

  4. do you know the words to the barq’s jingle? Driving me insane.


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