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"Dinosaurs scare you. They're doing the burp" - Ashleigh

Archive for the '2000’s – Late' Category

The Magic Castle ’07 (and the Faulty Gate)

Wednesday, March 14th, 2007

magiccastle.jpgOn Friday night, immediately following the taping of The Tonight Show, Jimmy and I headed over to the Magic Castle, where we met up with my longtime friend Rick Greene, Jimmy’s parents, Dave, and Bob. This was my second time at the Castle, my first being during my visit in the Fall of ’05. Rick is a member – so both times we came as his guest. The place is outstanding. Good food, interesting ambiance, and spectacular magic. Read the rest of this entry »

bare4.jpgOn Thursday, August 3, 2006, Mom, Ashleigh, Briana, and I spent our evening at Barefoot Landing in Myrtle Beach. While trips to Barefoot Landing for me are usually mediocre at best, this one was quite fun – especially due to the fun I had with Ashleigh and Briana. The Landing itself is simply an outdoor shopping mall, with various attractions of distraction strategically planted around the complex. Read the rest of this entry »

The Tonight Show with Drew Barrymore

Friday, March 9th, 2007

leno2.jpgFollowing our wonderful tour of the Disney Studios, it was now time to head over to NBC for the taping of The Tonight Show. Since Jimmy and I were required to wear jackets at The Magic Castle later that night, we foolishly decided to go ahead and wear the jackets to The Tonight Show. This was in hopes of getting better seats. Bob’s friend Michael had arranged for our tickets to be waiting, but the seats are not assigned until you enter the studio. Read the rest of this entry »

a6.jpgIt was with bittersweet sadness that we attended the traditional farewell brunch at the 15th International Sons of the Desert convention held in Augusta, Georga on Sunday, July 16, 2006 – as it also is bittersweet making this last posting of the trip that began here nearly six months ago! It’s always a bit emotional saying goodbye to our friends for another two years. Of course, most of my best friends are folks I would see within a year during my February 2007 California trip. Read the rest of this entry »

1myr.jpgThe answer of course: our Myrtle Beach trip from the Summer of 2006, and the activities of Wednesday, August 2 and Thursday, August 3. 

After the brain-smashing evening at the Pavilion and Haunted House, we were ready to kick back the next morning with some relaxing swimming time. This was only interrupted by the cornhole tournament where Ashleigh finally secured her victory – and thus her trophy. You can read more about that hereRead the rest of this entry »