The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Mother isn't quite herself today." - Norman Bates, "Psycho"

emmie.jpgOn days like these when nothing much happens, I could tell you about the mundane aspects of everyday living, such as a graphic description of the horrendous traffic jam I saw this morning – or I could opt to say something of interest.

What I envision is that this will be an ongoing diary highlighting events of interest as they actually occur (assuming they ever do) – as well as a diary of reminiscences, reflections, opinions, or anecdotes. In other words, this is my own private Farmer’s Almanac, full of  relevant or completely irrelevant miscellany. But that’s enough explanations of how this is the most incohesive bit of gobbledygook ever written. On to the heart of the matter! In this case, it involves our visit to the grave of Oliver Hardy’s mother, Miss Emmie.

Not long ago, Ashleigh and I travelled to Augusta, Georgia for the most recent Sons of the Desert International Convention. This took place July 12 – July 16, 2006, but we left on Saturday, July 8 to make some stops beforehand and also participate in some of the organized Pre-Convention activities.

We got up extra early on Saturday morning and were out the door by about 5:30 a.m. I drove the entire way even though Ashleigh had just been awarded her driver’s license the day before. I drove fast. One of the reasons I so adamantly sped was that we had a pair of expeditions we wanted to make in Atlanta and the surrounding area before they were closed.

Our final destination of the evening would be Plains, Georgia and we had to pick up my friend Bob at the airport at around 2:20 pm. The Jimmy Carter Library and the Westview Cemetery where Oliver Hardy’s mother was interred both closed by 4:45 pm. These were our time constraints.

bat.jpgBy making excellent time, Ashleigh and I were able to locate the Westview Cemetery, find Miss Emily Hardy’s final resting place (and have a run-in with a local bat, seen at right) and still have plenty of time to pick up Bob at the airport. Here is the photo we snapped after weaving our way through the catacombs of the mausoleum. Our Atlanta adventures will continue at a later time..


Bypass the Georgia trip and jump to Myrtle Beach

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