The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"I also need some money for a treat, said the blonde." - Christi Adkins

Archive for the 'Famous Graves' Category

Down at Our Rendezvous…

Friday, August 31st, 2007

3s3.jpgAn ode to Three’s Company…It was December 10, 1985 when my flirtation with collecting autographs from the cast members of Three’s Company first began. When sending requests through the mail, I generally steered clear of most ‘high-caliber’ stars of the current day. They were generally met with one form of rejection or another. However, John Ritter did not disappoint me. He signed both the photo that I sent him along with two notecards, even adding a humorous inscription on one. These were returned in an extremely timely fashion as well: on December 23, just two days before Christmas. Read the rest of this entry »

George Washington and Me

Sunday, August 26th, 2007

georgewashington.jpgAmerican History has long fascinated me, so I love visiting places that continue to further my historical education. Instead of a strict daily breakdown of all events from my last trip through Virginia (and other similar trips I have taken and will hopefully continue to take), I have decided to combine locations that pertain to particular Presidents of the United States into one posting. Although I typically find all of the other people, places, and things that I have visited very fascinating, my primary goal is to find all of the Presidential locales, those being birthplaces, homes, places of employ, Presedential Libraries if applicable, and graves. Not surprisingly, the first locations I have chosen to share are those that pertain to our first President, George Washington. Read the rest of this entry »

073.jpgMost people thought I was crazy to travel all the way to Los Angeles for only three days, but the purpose of my trip was to take part in the festivities of the Way Out West Tent’s 40th anniversary celebration – which included a mixer, banquet, and two extensive Laurel and Hardy locations tours. I had exactly two days of unused vacation; I decided to use it here. And I’m certainly glad I did. As with my previous seven journeys to the west coast, this one too provided me with a lifetime of memories and good times with my many great friends from this neck of the country. Read the rest of this entry »

cal.jpgThe following is the conclusion to the journal of events from my October 2005 Hollywood vacation – the second half of my second day. Mostly this deals with the Hollywood Collectors Show that I attended on October 1. You will note a similar soapbox speech about the perceived greed of some of the celebrities at the Hollywood Collectors Show during my Hollywood ’07 trip. Obviously at the bottom of this posting, you will be able to follow a trail of celebrites and see separate entries about the stars whom I met during this show.  Read the rest of this entry »

hw054.jpgThis is a continuation of the memoir I wrote shortly after my October 2005 Hollywood trip, which began here. Because my writings about Saturday, the second day of my adventures, describe several distinct and different events, I have broken the day up into two postings – the next one to follow. How I wish I had completed this journal at the time instead of now having to rely on memory to detail the remainder of the trip!

Read the rest of this entry »