The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

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"I'm Andrew and I didn't pay for this pear" - Andrew, "Friends"

Archive for the 'Television' Category

Starsky & Hutch & Huggy & Me

Monday, December 16th, 2013

Starsky et Hutch Paul Michael Glaser David Soul Collection ChristophelIt was exciting when I met Paul Michael Glaser back in October of 2011. He was of course the former half of the 70’s TV copy show Starsky & Hutch. Naturally I thought it would be beyond cool if I were ever to get the opportunity to meet the other half, David Soul. I had my doubts that this would ever happen as I had never heard of him doing any appearances, and the fact that he lived in England. Glaser however must have had all of the confidence in the world. We didn’t mention it, but he left a very nice area on the photo that seemed like the prime location fo have Soul sign if the chance should ever arise. Read the rest of this entry »

The Non-Brady Bunch

Saturday, December 14th, 2013

bb4Here’s the story…of two young ladies…who liked to hang out with our favorite clan…Even though they really were…never Bradys…I’ll get them when I can. Yes my love of all things Bradys has extended from the kids in the original series, to the fake actresses who replaced some of the girls, to the spin-off series, to the re-tooled films, and now to the supporting cast. To have starred in an episode of The Brady Bunch makes you a desirable commodity in my estimation. Read the rest of this entry »

The Battlestar Galacticans

Thursday, December 12th, 2013

bg7…not to be confused with the Backyardigans in any way, shape, or form. These are a pair of actors who took the lead in the short-lived but immensely popular sci-fi television series Battlestar Galactica that ran one season from 1978-1979. Like many things in the entertainment realm from that era, I wasn’t quite old enough to actually be interested in watching the show. But what I do remember is that it was somewhat of a pop culture phenomenon of the late 1970’s, its cast members permeating my copies of 16 Magazine that I bought for the KISS articles. And being a collector of trading cards, there were several from this series that worked their way into my collection. Read the rest of this entry »

Protected: Universal Studios Florida 2013

Friday, November 29th, 2013

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He Made the Day(s) Happy

Friday, November 1st, 2013

gm2As far as TV producers go, they don’t get much more famous and iconic as Garry Marshall. Primarily known for being the series creator of Happy Days, his history in television goes all the way back to such legendary shows as The Tonight Show (with Jack Parr), The Dick Van Dyke Show, Make Room for Daddy, and The Lucy Show. Prior to creating Happy Days (via an episode of Love, American Style), he had also co-created The Odd Couple, and would go on to co-create Laverne & Shirley and Mork & Mindy, among other less successful shows. Read the rest of this entry »