The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Don't be a lichtenfreudal tissue." - Christi Adkins

joanie.jpgFor many years, Erin Moran had refused to acknowledge her role as Joannie Cunnigham by refusing to participate in any reunions or signing autographs for her fans. The reason was that she had become very religious and felt that some of the Happy Days shows were immoral. This made her autograph highly desirable to me. Eventually, she recanted and has been making numerous public appearances. I don’t know if the almighty dollar adjusted her way of thinking, or if she simply rethought her position.

joanie3.jpgShe was one of the small group of celebrities who not only charged for her autograph but charged an additional fee to have your photo taken with her. For this reason, I opted to skip the $20 autograph (her many recent appearances had nearly made it worthless anyway), and just pay the stinking $10 to get my picture taken with her. Once she had the Alexander Hamilton in her hand, she became extremely cordial, if not flirtatious, and had the lackey sitting with her snap not one, but two photos of us together.


I told her that I was going to caption the photo “Joanie Loves Bradley” to which she gave a polite, yet weak, chuckle. Little did she know that I really meant it…

When I returned to the Hollywood Collectors Show on October 4, 2008, I went ahead and made the purchase of a signed photo to add to my collection. Over time I realized that pictures of me with the celebs went hand in hand with a signed picture. She still had her same policy on pictures with her though, so I didn’t get a new updated pic.


Celebrities and autographs from the 2007 Hollywood Collectors Show will continue…

Celebs from the 2008 Hollywood Collectors Show will continue

See the “Happy Days” reunion from 2009 here

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