The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"This isn't the stuff that chased Steve McQueen in "The Blob" is it?" - Julie Burton, "It's Your Move"

a6.jpgIt was with bittersweet sadness that we attended the traditional farewell brunch at the 15th International Sons of the Desert convention held in Augusta, Georga on Sunday, July 16, 2006 – as it also is bittersweet making this last posting of the trip that began here nearly six months ago! It’s always a bit emotional saying goodbye to our friends for another two years. Of course, most of my best friends are folks I would see within a year during my February 2007 California trip.

But here are a few shots of some good friends who I most likely will not see again until the next convention rolls around:


My pals from France, Catherine and Peter


Marcia Opal, recipient of the final Founder’s Award


Dee and Carl Ahlm, the folks that started me off in the Sons.

a4.jpgWe had a sumptuous breakfast buffet amidst the final goings-off of the convention. Ashleigh and I again were involved. Firstly, the Trivia contest winners were asked to stand. We had already received our certificates, so there was sadly no presentation to be made. As the first place winner of the Pee-Wee Contest, I was asked onto the stage along with the runner-ups. We each received a trophy (see photo at top) and I also received the traveling Stan Laurel Shield, to which I will need to have my name engraved (still haven’t done that – oops!). I also need to bring or ship it to the next convention for the next winner to receive. a5.jpgAgain, I note that I can’t believe all the fuss made over the Pee-Wee victor, and not the trivia winner, but enough whining about that. Ashleigh was called to the stage as well (boy, that girl gets around, doesn’t she?) to draw the name of the charity raffle winner, who received a very nice quilt with all of the convention logos embossed on it.

Finally, the now-christened “Club 13” assembled for a champagne toast and a photo-op. Club 13 is comprised of the only thirteen people who have attended all fifteen conventions. I have only been to twelve…but I drank Kris Wiley’s champagne anyway.


And with that, we bid a hasty retreat to our car. I was charged with driving straight through all the way back to Fairborn, Ohio so that I could report to work on Monday morning. After honking goodbye to the adorable Nicole Green in the parking garage, we sped off, leaving the Mariott Suites behind.


Soon I realized that things had gone awry and I had headed West instead of East, so I ended up taking a completely different route home through Atlanta than what Mapquest had called for. But we eventually made it, exhaustedly dragging our luggage through our door at about 10:30pm that night. The high point was eating Hardee’s in Jellico.

On the way, my car passed a milestone (better than a kidney stone, eh?) and I was not happy about it:


Start the trip over here. But why would you?

Continue with 2006 in Myrtle Beach

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