The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"I don't wanna be President. I wanna be a streetcar conductor" - Breezy Bisbane, "Readin' and Writin'"

untitled-1.jpgWhile hanging out at my Mom’s place during the now-world-famous game night, I took the opportunity to go on a hunting expedition in search of any photos that I might use on this website. My ultimate goal was to locate an elusive photo album from the mid-1980’s. It did not turn up on this day – but eventually did on the one detailed here. Anyway, despite the intense frustration of not finding the photos I was looking for, I DID come across a number of great photos and relics that I had either never seen or completely forgotten about.

Amongst the treasures (one being the old, blue vomit pan that always made an appearance when one of us had the flu) was my first photo taken at the hospital when I was born (taken at two days old actually). You know how there is always that official hospital shot that gets sent out in birth announcements (for example, Ashleigh’s is here)? This one was mine – and I do not recall ever seeing it before. Perhaps it wasn’t that commonplace in the early 1970’s to send out these photos – because not only did I not have one, but even my Grandma Range, who had almost all of my professional photos, did not have one.

But now we all have one…available for viewing! Here ’tis:


Below is the also-newly-discovered official Birth Record certificate from St. Elizabeth hospital. It is obvious how much pride was taken by the hospital since both my name and the doctor’s signature were filled in later by my Mom.


Return to my birth here

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