The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"I brought you some hard-boiled eggs and some nuts" - Stan Laurel, "County Hospital"

bd2.jpgJust when I didn’t think I had anything of the kind, I discovered a few snapshots nestled into one of my Grandma Range’s photo albums. Actually, the photos were taken at Bill and Dottie’s house in New Lebanon for a joint celebration of my birthday and my cousin Rob’s birthday, which happens to fall 13 days after mine on October 15. Rob was turning seven and I was turning four. In truth it was probably Rob’s celebration, but since I was a little upstart – they threw me a bone and put my name on the cake and let me help blow out the candle.

My Sweet Baby Days book indicates that I had my very first birthday party – meaning with other kids I assume – for my fourth birthday. I haven’t been able to locate any photos from that gathering which makes these photos rather even more rare and unique – and merit their own posting. These are from a time period (namely 1975) from which very few photos exist, so it’s good to see some photos of me around that time with my face in a birthday cake – and one of my gifts, a styrofoam glider. I think I was probably a bit jealous about Rob’s Super Toe football player.


 My glider just couldn’t compare with Robby’s Super Toe and his Nerf football…


…but Robby was keeping them to himself


We blow out the lone 7 candle as Lora looks on

Another great photo as seen below was provided to me by my old friend Andrea Ferrenberg which I believe was taken at the birthday party of our friend and neighbor Rachel Venaas, whose birthday fell on December 1. The occasion of when it was taken has sparked some speculative discussion between us due to the fact that it is dated April 1976 and it appears that we are eating Easter candy. However, I have concluded that the photo was simply not developed for five months after it was taken and that the Easter candy was either ‘Christmas’ candy or perhaps the Venaases served us stale candy that was eight months old. The key to solving the mystery was that my hair looks long and ridiculous just as it did in the birthday and Christmas pictures of ’75 and not at all like the photos taken around April of 1976. It may always remain a debatable mystery, but that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

Addendum to the previous paragraph: Andrea later found the original photo, which stated on the back “Andrea’s Birthday.” Her birthday was December 6, so okay, I was five days off!


Clockwise from top left: Rachel Venaas, me, Andrea, and Jeremy Venaas

Continue with Christmas 1975

One Response to “Pictures From My Fourth Birthday (Sort Of)”

  1. You definitely look related! That F*rrell gene is a pretty strong one 🙂


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